Rejuvenate Your Health With The Power of Ayurveda

Learn more about our signature Ayurvedic services 

When you are ready to start feeling better in a way that lasts…

Our Ayurvedic consultations, massages, treatments and classes will put your health back on track

There is no shortage of illness in the world today. People get sick all the time without understanding the *real reason* why. There’s countless health struggles that sneak up on us like fatigue, low energy, chronic pain, mental health, digestive and sleep problems to name a few.

There’s never a clear answer for overcoming these kinds of challenges. Sure you could take a pill for a quick fix but then how do you feel tomorrow? Is it worth getting sick again and again without finding the real solution to your problem?  

Ayurvedic medicine allows you to uncover the root cause of your problem

So that you can say goodbye to it for good

The real truth is that you have the power to take control of your own health and healing. When you are able to understand your body’s unique makeup, and look at it from a holistic perspective, you can truly understand how to avoid and overcome illness. 

There’s no quick fix for holistic healing, and it is always important to recognize and understand the root behavior that caused the issue in the first place. That’s why Ayurveda is the most powerful science for healing because it goes to the root of your suffering and cuts the root so that healing can happen naturally and unhindered. 

With Ayurveda you can finally experience healing from the inside out, that lasts

Experience Holistic Balance & Wellness 

Using Ayurvedic science, we learn how to identify the root cause of any health issue so that you can solve it in a way that lasts

Natural & Personalized Healing

Discover how to best nurture and heal yourself in a way that helps you feel more alive & energised

Improved Digestion & Detoxification

Positively impact your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being with this totally natural method of healing

“I recently had a massage from Mariana at a retreat I was attending. Not only was this a wonderful massage but I also learnt about other programmes that she ran. All very interesting information and reasonably priced. I would totally recommend her and only wish that she was in Melbourne. I would visit her at least once a month. Thank you Mariana, it was a wonderful experience.” 

- Valerie Shaw

Ayurvedic Health Consultations


Initial Consultation

Our Ayurvedic consultation offers a thorough health assessment, examining lifestyle, diet, medical history, and symptoms to determine your natural constitution (Prakriti) and current imbalances (Vikriti). The personalized treatment plan includes dietary and lifestyle adjustments, herbal remedies, and therapeutic practices. 

1.5 hours


Follow Up Consultation

Our Ayurvedic follow-up consultations offer a chance to review your health progress, symptoms, and adherence to the treatment plan. Adjustments to diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies are made as needed, with ongoing support and guidance. 

45 minutes 


Ayurvedic Health Path

Initial consult & follow up + 1 treatment

Experience a customized road map for balancing your health in a holistic way with the power of ayurveda. This promotes balance and vitality across body, mind, and spirit by providing you with the knowledge, plan and treatment to experience the full benefits of ayurveda tailor made for your unique body. 

1.5 hours initial consult

75 minutes treatment

45 minutes follow up consult

Ayurvedic Cleanse Program

10 Days $195

 Seasonal Detox

In the Ayurvedic tradition, seasonal changes are great opportunities for you to reset your natural circadian rhythm through physical, emotional and mental cleansing and renewal. 

Cleansing helps you to reset your habits. It is much more than simply losing weight, it’s about connecting more deeply with your innate ability to heal, restore and replenish. 

Ayurvedic cleanses go much further beyond physical detoxification by extending to the realms of mental clarity and spiritual awareness. 

If you are feeling….

  • Stressed and anxious

  • Lack of motivation & vitality 

  • Exhausted and overwhelmed

  • The presence of skin irritations and blemishes

  • Gas and bloating

  • Sluggish appetite and bowel movements

  • Bad taste in the mouth

  • Brain fog

4 meetings + 4 recipes per season $360

Sattvic Online Cooking Classes

Enhance your cooking skills and adopt a healthier lifestyle with our Ayurvedic cooking lessons.

Learn to prepare simple, delicious, and nutritious Sattvic meals through online sessions.

You'll receive recipes, a shopping list, and a list of necessary utensils, and by the end of each lesson, you'll have a wholesome meal ready to enjoy!

Then it is time for you to say goodbye to those yucky feelings and start this next season fresh and rejuvenated!

Experience the power of a seasonal ayurvedic cleanse for yourself

  • "After completing the cleanse, I am a healthier, more grounded and happier person than I was before! This cleanse has been so amazing for me. In just 10 days, I changed my relationship with food, with nurturing my body, with respecting my body and what I put into it. This cleanse has proven to me that change is quite instant physically and mentally when you change what you eat and when you are more mindful of how you eat."

    Anne-Marie (Autumn Cleanse Participant)

  • "What a lovely experience that was, to be guided through the Ayurvedic Autumn Cleanse by Mariana and supported by Ross. I feel lighter, more centred and more present. I highly recommend it."

    • Megan Wood (Spring Cleanse Participant)

And that’s not all… 

Check out the full stack Ayurvedic services that we have to offer below! 

Release - Ayurvedic Full Body Massage 

  • Experience an Ayurvedic full-body massage, known as Abhyanga which involves specialised massage techniques with warm herbal oils, promoting relaxation, detoxification and rejuvenation. 

  • 75 minutes 


Divine Flow - Shirodhara Treatment 

  • Experience the deeply relaxing Ayurvedic treatment of Shirodhara, where warm herbal oil is gently poured onto your forehead's "third eye" area. This therapy calms the mind, soothes the nervous system, and promotes balance, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and insomnia for overall well-being.

  • 75 minutes 


Soften - Kati Basti Treatment 

  • This therapeutic Ayurvedic treatment targets the lower back where warm medicated oil is poured into a dough dam & placed over the lumbar spine, deeply nourishing muscles, ligaments, and nerves. This therapy alleviates pain, stiffness, and discomfort, promoting relaxation, flexibility, and overall spinal health.

  • 75 minutes 


Breath of Love - Uro Basti Treatment 

  • This Ayurvedic treatment for the chest area involves warm medicated oil poured into a dough dam over the chest. This therapy benefits respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and chest congestion by opening respiratory passages and improving lung function, while promoting relaxation and improving respiratory health.

  • 75 minutes 


Clarity - Shiro Abhyanga

  • This deeply relaxing Ayurvedic head massage uses warm herbal oil on the scalp, neck, and shoulders. It relieves tension, improves circulation, nourishes the hair and scalp, and promotes mental clarity and overall well-being.

  • 60 minutes 


Beautify - Facial Massage & Mask 

  • Experience a holistic skincare approach that balances doshas and promotes well-being with our Ayurvedic facial massage and mask. This treatment includes steaming, a warm herbal oil massage to improve circulation and nourish the skin, followed by a customized herbal mask to cleanse, exfoliate, and rejuvenate. This therapy balances natural oils, reduces signs of aging, and enhances your complexion for a radiant glow.

  • 60 minutes


    90 minutes


Detox - Pinda Sweda

  • This Ayurvedic treatment uses warm herbal boluses filled with medicinal herbs and rice, heated in herbal oil. These boluses are massaged over the body to induce sweating, alleviate muscle stiffness, joint pain, and inflammation, and improve circulation. Ideal for treating musculoskeletal disorders, neurological conditions, and certain skin disorders, Pinda Sweda promotes detoxification, pain relief, and overall well-being.

  • 90 minutes 


Core - Nabhi Correction

  • This Ayurvedic therapy balances energy flow (prana) through the body's energy channels. It uses marma massage and specific exercises to correct imbalances, promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being by harmonizing prana throughout the body.

  • 45 minutes 


Womb Care - Pregnancy Massage 

  • Ayurvedic pregnancy massage is a nurturing therapy for pregnant women, using warm herbal oils and gentle techniques. It relieves discomforts like muscle tension, back pain, swelling, and fatigue, while promoting relaxation, improving circulation, and reducing stress. Safe and beneficial throughout pregnancy, this massage supports the well-being of both mother and baby.

  • 75 minutes 


Ayurvedic Healing Collection


4 treatments (75 minutes each)

Our Signature Healing Collection offers four Abhyanga treatments over a month. This full-body massage with warm herbal oils promotes relaxation, balance, and rejuvenation. Each session is tailored to individual needs, providing a holistic approach to well-being, improving circulation, reducing stress, and enhancing overall health and vitality.

Unlock - Nasya Treatment


(45 minutes )

This Ayurvedic therapy administers herbal oils or powders into the nasal passages to clear congestion, improve breathing, and alleviate sinus issues, while promoting mental clarity, relieving headaches, and balancing the body's doshas. Often part of Panchakarma detoxification, Nasya can also be used as a standalone therapy for various health concerns.

Remember, we’re not about a quick fix.

Learn how to take back control over your health for good

Our Ayurvedic health services are proven to enhance the quality of your life by bringing balance, harmony and rejuvenation to your physical body and mind. And we all know that, at the end of the day, all we really want is to feel good, energized and healthy. So if you’re tired of feeling down and you’re ready for a recharge, let’s chat more about how Ayurveda can help turn your health around. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Ayurveda can address a wide range of conditions including digestive disorders, stress and anxiety, skin problems, chronic pain, allergies, and more. It aims to treat the root cause of issues rather than just the symptoms.

    • Ayurvedic treatments are generally safe when administered by a qualified practitioner. They use natural herbs and remedies, which typically have fewer side effects compared to conventional medications. However, it is essential to discuss any existing medical conditions and medications with the practitioner to avoid interactions.

  • Ayurvedic treatments are generally safe when administered by a qualified practitioner. They use natural herbs and remedies, which typically have fewer side effects compared to conventional medications. However, it is essential to discuss any existing medical conditions and medications with the practitioner to avoid interactions.

    • Yes, Ayurveda can often be used alongside conventional medical treatments. However, it is crucial to inform both your Ayurvedic practitioner and your conventional healthcare provider about all the treatments and medications you are using to ensure there are no adverse interactions and that the combined approach is safe and effective.