Heal Yourself Naturally & Start Feeling More Vibrant & Alive Today

An Ayurvedic Health Clinic located in Byron Bay, Australia

Feeling Good Doesn’t Have To Be So Far Out Of Reach…

Utilising Ayurvedic principles, we can reveal the root cause of any health issue, address it directly and immediately start the healing process  

Oftentimes modern Western healthcare only provides us with a short term fix… a band aid to mask the symptoms, but does not investigate or address the deeper issues, or what caused them to begin with. It’s not enough to take a pill and believe that all our pain will go away forever. This is where Ayurveda stands apart. 

Ayurveda Helps You Feel Better In A Way That Lasts

Identify the root cause of your problem

Using Ayurvedic science, we learn how to identify the root cause of any health issue so that you can solve it in a way that lasts

Customised for your unique constitution

Discover how to best nurture and heal yourself in a way that helps you feel more alive & energised

Heal all aspects of your life naturally

Positively impact your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being with this totally natural method of healing

“I recently had a massage from Mariana at a retreat I was attending. Not only was this a wonderful massage but I also learnt about other programmes that she ran. All very interesting information and reasonably priced. I would totally recommend her and only wish that she was in Melbourne. I would visit her at least once a month. Thank you Mariana, it was a wonderful experience.”

— Valerie Shaw

Get Your Health Back On Track Quickly And Affordably!

Our Ayurvedic health services have been uniquely designed to help you feel better, without spending a fortune on treatments

The great thing about working with us and our knowledge of Ayurveda is that we can come up with a game plan for your unique body and current health situation after just the first consultation. Our holistic Ayurvedic services include a combination of diagnosis, education and treatment that’ll ease your existing pains, plus allow you to move forward with more vibrancy and energy. Our passion for Ayurveda drives us to make it accessible for everyone, so there’s no excuse not to start feeling better.

Bring Yourself Back To Life With VIDA Ayurveda

Our tailored wellness services support you to feel healthy and show up for your life with energy and enthusiasm


With Ayurveda there is no one size fits all model. Our expert consultations will help you determine which path of Ayurvedic treatments will best serve your unique body type and current health conditions.


Our Ayurvedic cooking classes and cleanses will help you to start feeling better and improve your relationship with food. Learn how to properly nurture your body so that you can lose weight, feel more energised and avoid disease. 

Traditional Ayurvedic Treatments

Our wide spectrum of Ayurvedic treatments and massage use traditional herbal oils to help you relieve stress and pain, overcome mental struggles and feel more rejuvenated and energised.

Had an amazing time with Mariana! 

“ Her energy and smile make you feel at home straight away. The room is so beautiful and cosy and she made an herbal tea that was waiting for me. The session was very interesting, I learned a lot about myself and Ayurveda. The effects of the process after starting to follow her tips and knowledge of oils and diet started in just a few days. I really recommend her services if you want something to take for your life and not just a quick pill to cover symptoms.”

- Catarina Pyrrait  

Hi, I’m Mariana.

A Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic Practitioner and the Founder of VIDA Ayurveda, with over 2 decades of experience, my cosy clinic is located in the serene surroundings of Byron Bay, Australia. My journey began with a fascination and deep interest in understanding the science of life. From scuba diving in my teens to studying marine biology and becoming a Yoga teacher, I became obsessed with discovering what it is that really makes us feel more alive.

My love for Yoga led me to immerse myself in a Yogic lifestyle while living in Spain, teaching, doing workshops and improving my skills as much as possible. Travelling at the time, I moved to Australia where I began studying Ayurveda and immediately knew this was exactly what I was meant to be doing. After many years of rigorous study and practice within an established clinic in Byron Bay, and privately, I decided it was time to open my own clinic… and VIDA Ayurveda was born. 

What makes my work so powerful is my ability to strike a nurturing balance between heart and mind. My Ayurvedic treatments are given with a unique blend of heartfelt compassion and deep understanding of Ayurvedic wisdom.

My mission is simple - to help people feel better and live healthier lives in a way that lasts. I want you to feel more alive and vibrant and I know that Ayurveda is the most powerful vehicle to achieve this.

Let’s get your health back on track today

  • "Mariana brings energy and care to her massages. You leave feeling nurtured and deeply refreshed."

    • Andrea Bulluss

  • “Thank you Mariana and Ross for the experience. It has been both rewarding and difficult. It's the first time I have done this sort of disciplined program from home for so many days. I feel very good about the whole experience.”

    • Nicki (Autumn Cleanse Participant)

Discover the Secrets of Ayurveda & Transform Your Health with our Personalised Services